Storm is coming, but I'm prepared. An investment plan or pension plan is there's probably no bigger decision involving your FRS retirement than that do you retire with the monthly pension check from FRS leaving the investing up to them or do you take the lump sum value of all of those future payments collect that one big check now and take control of the investing yourself over the years? We've counseled hundreds of special risk FRS participants firefighters police officers on what the best choice is for them and what might make perfect sense for one could be completely wrong for another. We've seen participants make good rewarding decisions here that clearly was the right choice for them, and we've seen others make disastrous decisions choices that they eventually realized were very wrong for them. Furthermore, we've learned a lot through all these years about what the most critical factors are that you need to consider. I'm Alan geese founding partner and president of north star financial planners. Your FRS special risk wealth manager 15 years ago one of my closest friends brought to me his entire FRS retirement plan to review including this very decision investment plan or pension plan. It became crystal clear to me at the time that so much of the advice that he was getting it just wasn't good it was biased and uninformed in so many cases and that's when we realized that we could make a real difference for so many FRS special risk families because of his experience and my 29 years as a financial planner. Our passion here at north star has been helping special risk FRS participants make better decisions with their finances and better achieve what's most important to them. In this short video over the next eight minutes, I'm going to show you what we believe...
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About FRS Investment Plan Form
The FRS Investment Plan Form is a document used by eligible members of the Florida Retirement System (FRS) who want to choose their own investment options within the plan. The FRS Investment Plan is a defined contribution plan that allows members to manage their own investments through a choice of various funds. The investment plan form provides the necessary information and instructions for members to select and manage their investments, including choosing investment funds, making contribution elections and selecting beneficiaries. Any active or retired member of the FRS who is enrolled in the investment plan may need to complete the FRS Investment Plan Form. The form must be completed by eligible members who want to: - Choose their own investment options within the plan - Make a new contribution to the plan - Change investment options within the plan - Request a transfer of funds from another plan or account into the FRS Investment Plan - Name or change beneficiaries of their account - Apply to participate in the Deferred Retirement Option Program (DROP) Overall, the FRS Investment Plan Form is an essential document for FRS members seeking greater control over their retirement savings and investment options.